Pancreatic Cancer vs Neuroendocrine Cancer of Pancreatic Origin

Pancreatic Cancer vs Neuroendocrine Cancer of Pancreatic Origin

Reviewed and updated 27th September 2021I campaign hard for Neuroendocrine Cancer awareness including continually pointing out that a Neuroendocrine Cancer with a pancreatic primary is NOT Pancreatic Cancer as is often quoted in the press. The two main reasons I take up these campaigns are as follows:1. They are totally different cancers despite an anatomical relationship.  Although they can share a similar presentation, they can have different signs, different treatments, and vastly different prognostic outcomes. Anyone looking for useful information on either needs to be very careful on interpretation, they could end up with very bad advice and in some situations, become more concerned than they should be. (particularly with the prognostics). See more below. 2. These two different cancer types have different awareness organisations, patient support groups and patient…
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